As Registered Plumbers & Directors, SM Plumbing offers an array of bathroom services Gauteng. We are driven to provide our Clients not only with Comprehensive Cost Effective Solutions, but also great Customer Service with our Quality Workmanship of best plumbers Gauteng. Ensure that the National Building Regulations, Built Environment Regulations, and Regional Municipal By Laws are adhered to at all times. We strive towards being known as the Best Plumbing Company in Gauteng within the Industry. We are proud to be one of the most informed plumbing companies within the industry. We are consistently adapting our methods of approach to suit each clients needs, through a great sense of understanding and communication. By not being subject to only one field of the plumbing industry, we are proud to be both versatile and forward thinking. We believe firmly in Honesty, Reliability, Integrity and Consistency. We also take great pride in Quality Workmanship, and therefore are continuously training our staff in order to guarantee client satisfaction.
call to ask any question 011 749 3002
Accredited and Certificate through related bodies and associations. Recognized and Registered with PIRB and IOPSA.
We work with many customers and their budgets, and are highly competitive within industry standards.
Privacy is important! We don't share the info about our clients and their employees without their permission.
We have spent over 12 years in the industry, and accumulated many great reviews. But as it is not possible to showcase all, here are what a few of our customers had to say.